Computer Scrapbook Training and Digital Scrapebook Classes

Mini Scrapbook Pages

Mini Scrapbook Page: Custom computer mini scrapbook pages that are fun and easy to use!  Just the right size for desk sets and flip books.  This is one gift idea that you can be sure they'll show off at the office or on the road.  Downsizing has never been so fun.  I wonder what's going to come next?

Mini Scrapbook Page
Desk Frames purchased at Mervyn's Dept. Store


Here is an album that we bought at Target and filled with  our mini scrapbook pages These are a perfect size for gift giving.


Samples of our mini scrapbook page frames 1 set





Mini Scrapbook Pages Set 2 Page

Mini Scrapbook Pages Set 3 Example (New Set)

Annual subscription members only get access to our coordinated sets, 2 to a page when printed, for a total of 60 individual frames in each set.  Enough to fill up even the largest desk flip set or smaller mini-photo book.  Who says that smaller isn't better?  We say it's the small treats in life that make your day a little less average.  So get your annual subscription and start sending your scraps to the office or RV, shelf, grandma's, almost anywhere!  The possibilities are endless.

For annual subscription members only...

Get yours HERE.


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